Last night I was interviewed on Hummingbird Place, a fun place to find weekly romance news and listen to authors you may or may not be familiar with, all couched in a comfy, homespun environment complete with southern accents and “cyber-wine.” Host Donna Wright explored the topic of Virgin Heroes and Heroines with three authors. The character I discussed was Doeg from Redeemed, whose minor physical handicap interfered with his only attempt at sex as a teen. The humiliating experience discouraged any other forays into real intimacy with a woman. My character was definitely the oddball since the other two authors featured their short Christmas stories with sweet virgin heroines while Doeg, the handsome but unlikable villain from Unbidden, struggles to escape the dark, lonely fortress in which he’s protected his heart for nearly thirty years.
Such a variety of authors should mean there will be something for everyone and, as a bonus, in the middle of the show Mallory Kane shares a few minutes of recent news in the world of romance books.
Hummingbird Place is also super-convenient. Recorded every Monday at 7PM EST, shows remain available for listening long after the broadcast, hence the term blog radio. Recent topics included “Naughty and Nice — Bad Boys/Bad Girls,” and historical romances separated by genre such as Revolutionary War, and Regency.
Check out Hummingbird Place if you need a few minutes to put your feet up and listen to a chat with real people who create the characters we all grow to love.
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