Well, friends, I have been missing for a LONG time. A year ago I was working on an edit of “Unbidden” when a terrible thing happened. And then two months later another terrible thing happened. I’m not going into the details, but suffice it to say I was emotionally gutted, and my day-to-day life was hijacked by the needs of others. Writing was out of the question, both from a time standpoint and from lack of creative drive. (I did participate in a boxed set of novellas, Hearts Aflame, with some other Love Historicals authors. Luckily I had the story “Rowan’s Legacy” written prior to July 2015, and only had to edit to get it ready.)
Five months or so ago, in the midst of the very stressful and time-consuming task of forcibly downsizing my parents’ living situation, a wonderful thing started to happen. An opportunity for a full-time job sort of evolved in an industry I left in 2003 and never thought I would re-enter. All I can say is this path felt more clear, sensible, and stimulating than the idea of continuing to write when I can’t seem to earn the support of more than a few people who buy books. So, I’m starting this week on a new/old professional journey.
Local readers often ask if I’m working on the next book. I have a few in my head, in both my existing series and one totally different story, but writing them is another thing. The inclination exists, the love for the written word and my characters is still there. I just can’t imagine I’ll have time. If I choose to continue, it will begin again as a hobby, which is how I started, after all.
Thank you for visiting my blog and website, and for being one of the fans who enjoys my writing. I’m sure I’ll be distracted by this new chapter for awhile. Hopefully, one day, some characters will become so loud in my head that I’ll start to let them out again. And when that happens, I’ll definitely be talking about it here!