
Tag Archives: new romance

Meet Lily!

Meet Lily!

Vain, book three of my historical romance series, is on the cusp of release. Today I’m going to share a short excerpt to introduce you to my heroine, Lily, who is the daughter of a tailor in Francia in the year 839.  BEGINNING OF EXCERPT Lily circled her father’s worktable, pondering the fine burgundy wool… Continue Reading

Battle-Tested Love on First Sight Saturday

Battle-Tested Love on First Sight Saturday

I welcome Lynda Bailey today on First Sight Saturday, with her work-in-progress called Battle-Tested Love, book two in her contemporary romance series. I owe Lynda some extra thanks because I sort of hijacked her into visiting here!  Anyway, take it away, Lynda…. Thanks so much to Jill for hosting me today! As the blog title… Continue Reading