Hometown Love on First Sight Saturday  #excerpt

Hometown Love on First Sight Saturday #excerpt

On First Sight Saturday, I welcome guest authors to share a first meeting scene. Today Christina Tetreault visits with her just-released contemporary romance, Hometown Love. Her interesting fact is that she is mother to a set of identical twins. More power to you, girl. I have two children separated by 2.5 years and I cannot imagine… Continue Reading

Happily Married   #MFRWHooks

Happily Married #MFRWHooks

This Saturday is my twenty-third wedding anniversary. The great thing about real life happily-ever-afters is they last longer than the fictional ones that wrap up in a chapter or two. One thing I really love about reading a series is the view we sometimes get of characters we saw fall in love, years later—how their… Continue Reading

Happy Birthday, Yellowstone!

Happy Birthday, Yellowstone!

Yellowstone National Park was established by the U.S. Congress on March 1, 1872. It was not only the first national park in the United States, but the first one in the world! Native Americans were active in what we call Yellowstone for thousands of years before scientific exploration and mapping of the area began in 1869. For… Continue Reading

Hot Rail Trail Kiss on the Hot for Friday Hop

Hot Rail Trail Kiss on the Hot for Friday Hop

Every week, Book Boyfriends Cafe suggests a topic for a blog hop, and this week it is Hot Kisses. Not all kisses are hot. A kiss can be gentle, soothing, unwelcome, or even gross. This one is the first scorcher for Boone and Violet, main characters in my New Adult contemporary romance, Eruption: Yellowblown™ Book One. They’re getting… Continue Reading

Dads and Daughters   #MFRWHooks

Dads and Daughters #MFRWHooks

Monday was my dad’s birthday. I’ve been blessed with wonderful parents and a supportive family, but while those kinds of relationships make real life worth living, they get kind of boring in books or movies. Tension and conflict are the fuels that drive good stories, after all, and who knows how to push buttons better… Continue Reading